Friday, September 12, 2008

Q2: Outline elements of the model - Library 2.0

Library 2.0 is about using new web technologies to connect and establish relationships with users. It provides a framework, in this frame, librarian and users can re-evaluates library by usability and findability, this is a flexible organization structure, when combined with web 2.0 services, it can make library more stable and efficiently due to the deeply influence with technology and social interactions, plus satisfy reader's need. Some of the elements of the model were discussed in the following.

Library provides no barriers meeting environment.
Library 2.0 carried out the concept "No walled-in library", the information of library should appear at the most popular site, such as portal website or curriculum management system. With coordinate with some tools, readers can find any library information from any website. In the article mentioned long tail theory is that our culture and economy is increasingly shifting away from a focus on a relatively small number of "hits" at the head of the demand curve and toward a huge number of niches in the tail. In an era without the constraints of physical shelf space and other bottlenecks of distribution, narrowly-target goods and services can be as economically attractive as mainstream fare. Example such as interlibrary loan (ILL), this service assists users in obtaining copies of materials which are not a part of the local library collections. In the internet sites such as Amazon, Flickr, Wiki and Facebook are applying such long tail theory.

It should not be difficult to get “library information access”. It is allowed and encourages users use or reuses the resources without time and place restrictions. For example, users can search information needs from Goggle, Amazon and OPAC system. For the information retrieve, users can seek information desired more easily.

Library encourages users’ participation.
Library 2.0 promotes and encourages users’ participation. By using features such as comments, tags, ratings, they can express their view for the resource which they already used or want to use. To increase community interest, Wikis, Blogs and RSS developed those interface to enhance their services. However, users’ privacy is one of the concerns when library created tailor made services for users. To prevent bias or other sensitive discussion anonymous comments and tagging are required.

The library uses more flexible systems.
The library is now using integrated system which is constructed from several manufacturers, instead of old combined system which was constructed from one manufacturer. While responding the fast alteration of technique, the library can update or change the part of the system very freely.

Library 2.0 is much more than the application of technique; it is also a kind of thinking. For instance, Wikis allows users to create and edit web page contents freely. RSS feeds and aggregator allows users to chose and receives contents from a particular sources. Blogs provide a place for library or user to discuss, comment or announce news. North Carolina State University (NCSU) tailor made their OPAC interfaces to meet users own needs. By using comments, tags, feedbacks to develop a user-center based library. However, every library has different aims, objective and target group, hence Library 2.0 model will be varied for each library system.

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